Friday, September 26, 2014

Aims and Objectives of Tolu-e-Islam Movement

Aims and Objectives of Tolu-e-Islam

The aim and objective of the Tolu-e-Islam Movement is to remove all non-Quranic ideologies, beliefs, and practices prevalent in present-day Islam, and replace them with Quranic concepts based upon reason and rationale. Tolu-e-Islam's literature is essentially directed towards individuals who are in search of truth so that they can overcome the forces of secularism and be able to establish a pure Quranic society, wherever they may be. The words "Tolu-e-Islam," meaning "dawn" or "resurgence" of Islam, were taken from the title of a poem by the sub-continent's great Muslim philosopher and poet Allama Mohammed Iqbal.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Don't Blame God for our Failures published by Tolueislam

Don’t Blame God For Our Failures

(Ubedur Rahman Arain)

Fate, destiny, luck are all intertwined words that describe an event, or a course of events,
that will inevitably happen in the future, as if the course of events is predetermined.
Anything that goes against our desires and expectations is attributed to bad luck, as if we
had nothing to do with it. Where is human action in all this? It is led to believe that God
has pre-ordained all events till eternity and destined some to success and others to failure
and how dare one question God’s command? Raising your voice against injustices of
others is considered as if one is challenging God’s Will.


Myth 2: The Status of Woman

Another part of the same myth says that, according to the Torah, God put Adam and Eve up in the Garden of Eden and provided them with everything, but forbade them to eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The woman was duped by the Snake (the Devil/Satan) into eating it and she, in tum, tricked her husband into doing the same. God responded to this sin committed by the woman by saying to her:
I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Myth 11: Spiritual power of the Dead

As mentioned, mystics became popular mainly because of the 'miracles' they perform. This ability elevates them in the eyes of the public and enhances the intake of offerings. But the problem was that this set-up discontinued with the death of a 'spiritual leader.' One way out was to have the dead leader succeeded by a living one. To make the continuation of the system certain, they invented the belief that spiritual leaders never die; their spiritual powers remain potent as before. Consequently, we find the tombs of dead mystics more crowded with devoted visitors than are the seats of the living ones. Thus, these graves become regular estates.

The Quranic View
The Quran negated this myth too, when it announced that no man has the power to harm or benefit another. Every individual action of man bears its own result according to God's determined, unchanging laws.  That is why the Prophet, the greatest spiritual leader, announced:
'Say, "I cannot harm or benefit my own self (let
alone others) save by the Will (Law) of Allah...",'As far as miracles are concerned, the Qman reports at several places that the Prophet, when challenged to perfonn a miracle, always stated that his miracle was the Quran, or his own personal character. Therefore, anyone who claims to have the power of perfonning miracles puts himself above the Prophet. The 'miracles' perfonned by the mystics have absolutely nothing to do with ad-Deen (the Quranic code of life). As to the dead, the Quran very clearly states:
'If you call out to them, they don't hear your call;
and even if they did, they would not respond to
you .. .'
And also:
' ... and they are unaware of their invocation.'
That is why God told men, ' ...and don't invoke (anyone) other than Allah; they cannot benefit or harm you ... ' because harm and benefit come to men according to the Laws of Allah.
What Muslims did
Despite the Quran saying all that Muslims did exactly the opposite -they readopted the spellbinding myths of old, mistaking them as their religion.


I started with just a few topics in mind but had to include many more. In a nutshell, then, ad-Deen was simple some permanent values and unchanging principles given to Man by God; these were to be implemented in human society as an all-encompassing system. The result was to be man's real freedom -freedom from kings, capitalists, priests, spiritual leaders, and even his own animalistic urges. Man was to evolve into a better being. He was also warned to beware of 'magic weavers.' But alas, the magicians have succeeded in making Muslims addicts to the opium of (traditional) religion. Sad'ly, Muslims also believe that addiction to opium -or any other addiction, for that matter .-is incurable. That, of course is another myth as we know that it is not true and addictions are curable. Let me cite you the example of China which shed off the opium habit It happened as follows:
It is reported that, after the Chinese Supreme Council had passed the Opium Prohibition Law, it was sent to the prime minister for final signing. He was an addict himself. Putting the paper aside, he flung away the opium box he had, got into a boat and went out to a secluded stretch of open sea. He stayed in the boat for a month. He returned when he was confident that he had kicked the habit and signed the bill into law.
That is exactly what the Quran says:
'It is a big vice when you say to people what you (yourselves) don't do.'
That is the only way to deal with an addiction .. the rulers must do it first


Myth 10: The Distinction of Sharia and Tariqa

Please refer hack to the verse from Sura AI-Tauba (9:34) where the Quran mentions two groups of people: ahbaar (priests) and ruihbaan (spiritual guides). This duality springs from ,mother interesting myth.
God revealed His system (set of eternal values. meant to he the basis of human societal life, enshrined in the Quran) to Man for his guidance in a very clear and simple language and style, The code of life needed to be implemented practically in a system in which men obeyed God and not their fellow-men. But power-hungry men succeeded in overthrowing the divine system and establishing their own rule over men, thus degrading human honor and respect. In addition to these temporal
rulers (kings and emperors) of men, there emerged the 'religious' rulers.. They claimed their authority on the premise that: 'a political set-up is for earthly life alone; the Hereafter can only be taken care of by following God's Law; so, men have to obey God through obeying priests; otherwise, men will end up in Hell.' Scared, the simple-minded masses submitted in obedience to these ahbaar (religious scholars). Thus, free Man was doubly shackled by temporal as well as religious rulers (men of sharia -scholars who have the self-claimed right to interpret religion). This situation prompted yet another group of ambitious men strive for their share of supremacy and control over fellow men. These were the men of lareeqa [the mystics (the sufi's)]. They asserted their claim on the thesis that: 'the state deals with worldly matters while the priests deal with religious affairs, but the thing that really matters is the SOUl/spirit which neither of the two groups mentioned know anything about; the domain of the soul is dealt with through arcane knowledge which cannot be obtained through conventional education; this can be done through private tutelage of men, dead or living, who arc 'close to God'; one can avoid the longer route of religious rituals to God and take the direct -and the shortest -way; for that, one needs the blessings of a lIIurshed (spiritual guide). Lazy men were strongly attracted to this idca and submitted themselves to shackles of the third kind, the spiritual guides --dead or living!
Originally a Judaic practice (their mystics were called ruhbaan), this tradition was termed tareeqa [literally, a 'path' (to God)] in Islam. Thus were established, in addition to the temporal government, two rival governments in the realm of religion. The sharia rulers kept the masses bound by the carrot of houries (beautiful maidens) in Paradise and the stick of Hellfire. But, that pertained to the Hereafter. The tareeqa people, on the other hand, performed 'miracles' right here in this earthly life to cater for the masses. Naturally, the common man was attracted more to tareeqa than to sharia. Tombs and monasteries became more popular than mosques. The sharia people possessed, as their best tool, the practice of supporting their views by the sayings of renowned imams (religious scholars), or even the Prophet himself. The tareeqa people did one better on them by claiming to have direct communion with God! Thus was created the myth of kashf or ilhaam (the Lesser Revelation).
The Arcane Knowledge According to the Quran, God sent His messages to His prophets through a process termed wahy (Revelation). The reception of wahy is exclusive to God's chosen men (prophets) and this mode of communication between God and Man was permanently suspended with the death of Mohammed, the last of the divine messengers. Now, the only way for men to know God's Will is to read the Quran because the finality of Mohammed's prophethood means that no man after him will ever receive wahy (direct messages from God). Mystics, however, claim to receive messages directly from the Creator, essentially in the same manner as wahy but term it kashf (discovery) or ilhaam (inspirational thOUght). Moreover, they insist that Lesser Revelation is to continue till the end of the world. Thus, the door of Revelation, closed shut by the Quran, was reopened. One of the top leaders of tareeqa, Elder Sheikh Mohicddin ibn Arabi, the great mystic of 11th century Spain, writes in his Fusul al Hakam (Bezels of Wisdom):
'The sharia people rule by the Quran and the [Prophetic] Tradition. [ill When they cannot find clear instructions there, they conjecture and confer but their basis remains the same. On the other hand, among us [mystics] there are those who can obtain the same thing directly from the Almighty via kash! and ilhaam. Therefore, in a way, the source of kashf and ilhaam, and that of the Prophet's way is one and the same. This puts the kashf man in the same category as the Prophet as far as obtaining knowledge from God is concerned.'
Thus the great reality of Divine Revelation was replaced by the most sacred myth of kash! / ilhaam. By terminating the line of prophets, God had blessed Man with unprecedented intellectual freedom but, the mystics managed to enslave Muslims anew so successfully that even to this day a vast majority of 'believers' so very sincerely bow to their magical spell. The mystics are successful because they claim to fulfil people's desires in return for offerings, The prospect of having one's wishes granted without having to work for it is simply magnetic. That is why a great number of Muslims all over the world have taken to amassing wealth by unfair mcans in an effort to become millionaires overnight. That is one big reason for the proliferation and success of sacred tombs and monasteries in certain areas of the Muslim world.


Myth 9: Religious Leadership (The Clergy)

Is it not surprising how a handful of people successfully exploit the vast majority of men? How is it possible that, under the capitalistic system of economy, the masses work hard and a small 'elite' live off and control them? No man in his right mind is likely to submit to this unfair set up, right? Absolutely right' That is why men need to be duped into it. They have to accept the 'validity' and the 'truth' of it. That is achieved through hypnotizing them by the most effective of all agents -the clergy. The Quran refers to them as 'Haamaan's (the Biblical Amon Pharaoh's high priest) hordes.' They
peddle their ideology as 'God's Will', going against which is punishable first by torture in one's grave and, later on, by a permanent ahode in Hell. They invented false notions like: 'God Himself directly controls the distribution of wealth; every individual's share of worldly possessions is pre-decided by the Almighty; and that is one's destiny, pre-determined and unchangeable, beyond human control; therefore, one must resign to one's fate, never complain about it, and be grateful for whatever God has given him.'
Thus was the notion of Pre-determination peddled to consolidate the principle of Capitalism -an inhumane system in which masses toil for the crafty few, and remain psychologically docile. That is why we see non-Islamic (anti-Quranic)fiuaawa (religious decrees -plural ofJatwa) such as the following:
'Just as Islam doesn't restrict private ownership of money, residences, businesses, cattle, cars, boats, etc, it doesn't restrict ownership of land. Islam has not put any restrictive limits on any ownership. Anything legal, obtained Icgally, may be owned limitlessly as long as its legal religious dues are paid.

The Coalition

One may ask: What do the clergy get by supporting a capitalistic arrangement? The answer lies in the last sentence of the ruling above: ' long as its legal religious dues are paid.' Of course, the clergy pockets the 'religious' dues. That is why the Muslim priests strongly object if zaka is referred to as 'income tax.' They maintain that 'income tax' is for the worldly government while zaka is for the Divine Kingdom. And, who else are better managers of 'divine' money than 'divine' representatives the priests? That is precisely why the Quran classes capitalists and priests together:
'0 the Convinced' Surely, the majority among priests and religious scholars eat up people's money improperly, and block the way to God. And as to those who hoard gold and silver and not spend it in God's Way, give them the news of a painful torture.
The fact of the matter is that, in the Quran's view, the term 'capitalist' applies not only to one who hoards wealth but also to one who, despite being able-bodied, live off others, even a beggar. Such individuals are termed mutrifeen by the Quran. Hoarders of wealth as well as the clergy have been termed 'capitalists' by the holy Book. Actually, the 'capitalism' of the clergy is far more powerful than that of the money people. The latter at least do so much as invest money to exploit others whereas the former do not do even that! They live off the workers as well as, ironically, the wealthy. Bulley Shah, a mystic poet of the last century from the Sind area in southern Pakistan, very aptly labell~xl these self-proclaimed representatives of God 'robbers of robbers.'

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Family Planning (An important but sensitive issue) by Ghulam Ahmed Parwez

An important but sensitive issue
 English rendering by Dr. Manzurullhaq
After atomic explosion, the biggest problem that gained attention of the entire comity of nations is the issue of Birth Control. Previously the means, methods and medicines used for Birth Control were a subject of individual interest only. In those days, the contraceptives means devices and tools -were generally used to prevent illegal sexual relations that coincide to pregnancy. There is also doubt that these preventive measures were also used for legal purposes under some compelling circumstances such as the ill health of the wife. But the general use of these devices was only to ward off the consequences of the unfair cohabitation. Now this issue has taken a new turn. It has gradually attained a collective stride, with mounting significance.