Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Myth 9: Religious Leadership (The Clergy)

Is it not surprising how a handful of people successfully exploit the vast majority of men? How is it possible that, under the capitalistic system of economy, the masses work hard and a small 'elite' live off and control them? No man in his right mind is likely to submit to this unfair set up, right? Absolutely right' That is why men need to be duped into it. They have to accept the 'validity' and the 'truth' of it. That is achieved through hypnotizing them by the most effective of all agents -the clergy. The Quran refers to them as 'Haamaan's (the Biblical Amon Pharaoh's high priest) hordes.' They
peddle their ideology as 'God's Will', going against which is punishable first by torture in one's grave and, later on, by a permanent ahode in Hell. They invented false notions like: 'God Himself directly controls the distribution of wealth; every individual's share of worldly possessions is pre-decided by the Almighty; and that is one's destiny, pre-determined and unchangeable, beyond human control; therefore, one must resign to one's fate, never complain about it, and be grateful for whatever God has given him.'
Thus was the notion of Pre-determination peddled to consolidate the principle of Capitalism -an inhumane system in which masses toil for the crafty few, and remain psychologically docile. That is why we see non-Islamic (anti-Quranic)fiuaawa (religious decrees -plural ofJatwa) such as the following:
'Just as Islam doesn't restrict private ownership of money, residences, businesses, cattle, cars, boats, etc, it doesn't restrict ownership of land. Islam has not put any restrictive limits on any ownership. Anything legal, obtained Icgally, may be owned limitlessly as long as its legal religious dues are paid.

The Coalition

One may ask: What do the clergy get by supporting a capitalistic arrangement? The answer lies in the last sentence of the ruling above: ' long as its legal religious dues are paid.' Of course, the clergy pockets the 'religious' dues. That is why the Muslim priests strongly object if zaka is referred to as 'income tax.' They maintain that 'income tax' is for the worldly government while zaka is for the Divine Kingdom. And, who else are better managers of 'divine' money than 'divine' representatives the priests? That is precisely why the Quran classes capitalists and priests together:
'0 the Convinced' Surely, the majority among priests and religious scholars eat up people's money improperly, and block the way to God. And as to those who hoard gold and silver and not spend it in God's Way, give them the news of a painful torture.
The fact of the matter is that, in the Quran's view, the term 'capitalist' applies not only to one who hoards wealth but also to one who, despite being able-bodied, live off others, even a beggar. Such individuals are termed mutrifeen by the Quran. Hoarders of wealth as well as the clergy have been termed 'capitalists' by the holy Book. Actually, the 'capitalism' of the clergy is far more powerful than that of the money people. The latter at least do so much as invest money to exploit others whereas the former do not do even that! They live off the workers as well as, ironically, the wealthy. Bulley Shah, a mystic poet of the last century from the Sind area in southern Pakistan, very aptly labell~xl these self-proclaimed representatives of God 'robbers of robbers.'

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