Monday, June 9, 2014

Taraweeh by Tolueislam

A person from Lakhnow (India) writes:
The Hanafees say there are twenty rak’ahs of Taraweeh to be offered daily as compulsory Sunnah in Ramadan; but Ahl-i-Hadith and Shias are not convinced with it. To the Ahl-i-Hadith Taraweeh and Tahajjud are one and the same thing; the number of rak’ahs in both is eight; they talk of the twenty rak’ahs of Taraweeh as schism – an innovation. There have remained and are continuous happenings of bickering over this issue among the Hanfees and the Ahl-i-Hadith. What is your research about Tarweeh? . . . The Hanafees confess this fact that there was no practice of offering Taraweeh before the saga of Hazrat Umar, even then they consider the renouncers of Taraweeh as sinful. What is its genuineness? 
There is no mention of Taraweeh in the Quran. These were initiated at the times of Allah’s Messenger or of Hazrat Umar’s. This is a question of history. The Shias and Sunnees have disagreement over it. Everyone is aware of these discussions and controversies. On the question whether the number of rak’ahs in Taraweeh is eight or twenty, there is disagreement within the Sunnees itself. And no one is unaware of these debates. Tolu-e-Islam does not revel in such debates. Its precept in the matters not mentioned in the Quran is self-explanatory. 
Islam is the name of the life of preservation of the self within the boundary walls of the Quran. For this purpose, it is necessary that the human (Muslim) must know as to what are the boundary walls of the Quran and along with it, he must also get himself up for self-control. The month of Ramadan is the specific instrument for inculcating and substantiating each of these two matters. In the modern terminology, call it a Training Camp or a Refresher Course. The fasting makes the human get himself up for leading striven-life through self-control. And its fixing is in this month, wherein the beginning of revelation of the Quran was initiated. It brings this stark fact to the fore-front that special arrangements during this Training Course should be made for gushing forth the entire Quran to the striven-people (Mijahideen) so that they may fully comprehend as to what the connexion of “the sword and the Quran” is with each other and how these two come to be the instrument for safeguarding each other. It appears that the Islamic system of the First Era, in order to bring the Quran to the mind of the people all at the lame time, devised this method – and method is now being performed only to acquire the reward of a virtuous act (Sawaab). It is because the way the Quran is recited now, during the Taraweeh, is neither understood by the Quran-conner who cause others to hear it as to what he had recited, nor do their disciples in the congregation comprehend it as to what they have listened. And it is obvious that the way the words of the Quran are repeated and heard without being understood cannot make the exposition of the Quran understandable. And neither it can be known which design of life it carves for us. When the system of caliphate based on the precept of Nabuvva is established, its job will be to oversee where the revamping is essential in our traditional mores and cores. It will then be the time, whence-fore the correct concept of “Sin and Sawaab ” comes to the fore -view. ( 1956 )

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